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Joseph Brennskag | all galleries >> Galleries >> Joe's Gallery > 12.11.04 Glade Creek Grist Mill
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12.11.04 Glade Creek Grist Mill

Babcock State Park, WV

Perhaps one of the most photographed sites in the Mountain State.
It wasn't the best time of year or the right light, but I was there
to see and will be back in the snow and in the spring and in the
fall when the leaves are on the trees.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Yiannis Pavlis16-Aug-2007 13:56
Very peaceful capture with beautiful colors and light. Well seen and beautifully captured. :-
Bob Foisel25-May-2006 23:11
I love this, are they common back there? I know of one in Colorado just south of Marble.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik12-May-2006 16:23
Can see why this is one of the most photographed sites in WV. You captured it beautifully!
Besati29-Dec-2005 09:05
A very beautiful image, Joseph. Wonderful color and soft lighting.
Guest 07-Nov-2005 13:01
You did it justice!!!
wonderful structure and the water is a bonus
I really like it
Guest 24-May-2005 22:18
One of the best!!!! I've long to see one myself in reality!
Jeff Horner18-Dec-2004 06:10
Oh, how I covet this image! A classic indeed, but so well-captured.
Guest 13-Dec-2004 13:54
oh...this is fantastic.
jypsee12-Dec-2004 23:50
Nice photo... great exposure.
Guest 12-Dec-2004 23:30
Guest 12-Dec-2004 14:04
Great composition and tones
Larry Ahern12-Dec-2004 13:03
boegheim12-Dec-2004 09:46
This one is classic, but still catches me...
you've done a great job, witht the sharpness of the mill and the smoothness of the water.
Bryan Murahashi12-Dec-2004 05:52
Great shot.
Gary Hebert12-Dec-2004 04:03
Beautiful image Joseph... love the light, textures and clarity. Great mood.
Coleen Perilloux Landry12-Dec-2004 03:23
Very beautiful. The colors are so harmonious.
Gayle P. Clement12-Dec-2004 03:20
This is a beautiful structure and you did an excellent job of photographing it.
markvm12-Dec-2004 02:56
Nicely done, Joseph!