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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gone to the Dogs > Champ
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Canon EOS D30
1/60s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Torben Jorgensen11-Jan-2007 15:17
Magnificent portrait.
Yiannis Pavlis12-May-2006 02:47
really sweet.
Guest 05-Feb-2006 17:02
Very beautiful picture. It has the effect of a circular iris lense!
Guest 04-Jan-2006 00:33
Beautiful dog and wonderful portrait of him.
Guest 23-Dec-2005 18:51
Oooooh Champ, you are a fine looking dog! Lovely!
Guest 10-Oct-2005 22:06
Champ, you're a good doggie!
Guest 18-Sep-2005 03:32
look how sweet he is!!! love the monochromatic colors of golden yellow and his expression...
Sondra Newman18-Aug-2005 19:23
Champ is beautiful!!! I'm a lab lover and couldn't resist this picture!
Great lighting.
Irene Wehrli08-Apr-2005 18:06
I love your Champ - lovely face and wonderful colour!