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11/25/2004 Kosta Trimovski

Curved Tree

Wheaton Il

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Jim Coffman13-Apr-2008 01:59
Outstanding work!! V
Petros Labrakos03-Dec-2006 06:57
wonderful at all!
fine definition
details and colours
Dave Stevens20-Oct-2006 21:39
Really like this shot.
Sue Robertson20-Oct-2006 08:38
Wow. Great shot. What a find!!. v
Ricardo Alves17-Jan-2006 14:06
Very aesthetic and well composed!! Voted!!!
heatem45 07-Dec-2005 14:24
This is one of those pictures you see and are just amazed at Gods beauty. If only everyone would stop to appreciate it's beauty.
G.Pietro Munaretto09-Aug-2005 18:22
Buz Kiefer15-Jul-2005 11:46
Outstanding exposure.
Yi Feng23-Apr-2005 00:00
Great snow shot
Rob Oele19-Apr-2005 10:09
A beauty!
Guest 18-Apr-2005 12:36
That's a keeper!
John Hastings14-Apr-2005 17:55
Great capture. Congratulations.
Peter Hollinger29-Nov-2004 19:50
Beautiful tree, great light!
Susanne27-Nov-2004 19:29
This almost makes me think I am in a fantasy land. Very very nice capture. You should frame this and hang it on a wall.
Guest 26-Nov-2004 21:35
This one is beautiful.
Guest 26-Nov-2004 07:19
This one is just SO good!