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jacky vong | all galleries >> XinJiang >> landscape_assembly > xj00016.jpg
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Paul Dovie Jr24-Nov-2004 16:15
Wow! great job. Catches the eye!
Gary Blanchette24-Nov-2004 12:57
Wow! This is a little different. I like it!
Bill Miller24-Nov-2004 12:55
Well that is unusual ! Eyecatching...
jacky vong24-Nov-2004 04:20
just combine two photos without any retouch.
Glenn24-Nov-2004 02:04
Very strong color and composition?

Did you use some filter for the mountain or just psed?
Guest 24-Nov-2004 00:10
Love the wild colors,the composition,DOF. Great shot!
Gayle P. Clement24-Nov-2004 00:02