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Sheila Smart | all galleries >> Photographic images with rights managed pricing >> Sydney RM > Sydney's CBD with jacaranda foreground
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17-NOV-2004 ©Sheila Smart

Sydney's CBD with jacaranda foreground

Circular Quay, Sydney

Please email me for pricing.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/125s f/8.0 at 17.0mm iso200

full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
lebororo28-Jul-2005 11:08
Polarizing make a big difference with the skys and the greenery
only the distorsion with perspectives I don't like!...
but colours are perfects to me!
Anthony F Akins 16-Jun-2005 08:40
Amazing Photos. I have a 20D and the same Len's. Please tell me what programs are you using to sharpen? Do you use a Light Meter. I have tried to take photos like this and I just cannot post process. I have freds 20DPro Batch Plugin, and Velvia, and I use photoshop CS. Please please walk me through your post processing, and how do you get your images so sharp, and full of life.
Sheila Smart22-Jan-2005 23:09
Yes, I rarely take it off my 17-40.
Isabel Cutler22-Jan-2005 14:19
Gorgeous color! Did you use a polarizing filter for this?