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Leslie Cohelan | all galleries >> Photo Art >> Black and White, Toned > The Photographer
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The Photographer

Canon EOS 20D
1/400s f/13.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Slade Zumhofe11-Sep-2008 17:31
Spectacular! The scale, the form and the tones...well done.
GP Merfeld16-Mar-2008 06:00
Such a great shot!
Suzanne Chouinard10-Nov-2007 04:34
That is an impressive scene. Excellent capture of a photographer.
snootydog26-Aug-2006 23:16
I've got to agree with Joe... this is truly amazing
Guest 19-Feb-2006 15:29
Just brilliant !! Voted
Guest 25-Oct-2005 13:31
Fantastic work full of atmosphere.
Joe Vigliotta15-Sep-2005 09:29
Seen this one so many times. It's still a total pleasure for me to look at.
You did such a marvelous job on this one. Of all your photos this one would always be hands down my special fav.
Yiannis Pavlis02-Aug-2005 13:30
thats a really great capture.
Anna Pagnacco12-May-2005 19:25
Unique atmosphere! Anna