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Digital Rebels | all galleries >> Weeklies >> Weekly Galleries of 2004 >> Weekly Pic(k)s Nov 6, 2004 - Nov 12, 2004 > edit image
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07-NOV-2004 Steve Sprengel

Steve Sprengel

Lincoln, Nebraska

Aurora tonight...

A powerful X-flare on the sun earlier Sunday caused Aurora
as far south as Colorado, Nebraska and Pennsylvania.

A carload of partygoers stopped to ask directions.
I told them they had to go another 100 blocks east.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 11-Nov-2004 00:20
This photo is so cool! It looks like a shot from a Wim Wenders' movie! Amazing!
Lisa Schlender09-Nov-2004 23:54
Neat shot! I wasn't able to see any greens when I saw them.
However...I saw them earlier in the night when they were just the
pinks, whites and blues. Yours turned out very nice!
Steve Fink08-Nov-2004 20:28
Very cool!
Guest 08-Nov-2004 10:48
Beautiful shot.. Rafi
Kaimai Kid 08-Nov-2004 06:46
cool shot - I not been lucky enough to see one of these in the open here in NZ.
Jvan Photography08-Nov-2004 06:35
COOL picture!! Great capture :-)