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Julian Williams | all galleries >> Julian Williams's Galleries >> Old Jacksonville, Ga.- Where History Lives > Six Generals At Jacksonville, Ga.
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Six Generals At Jacksonville, Ga.

There might have been more but here are 6 of them on a beautiful tan plate with tan paper done in decoupage with a matte (no gloss) finish. Starting at the top and going clockwise: (1) Gen. John C. Breckinridge who hid out at Jacksonville after the Civil War; (2) Gen. John Coffee who lived at Jacksonville and was a Congressman and built the Coffee Road from Jacksonville, Ga. to Tallahassee, Fl.; (3) Gen. David Blackshear who built Ft. Clark (Blockhouse Church site) and other forts along the Ocmulgee for protection against the Indians in the War of 1812; (4) Gen. John Clark, later Governor of Georgia, who had a plantation adjacent to Ft. Clark (Blockhouse) site and gave land for a "babtist" church there in 1818; (5) Gen. Mark Willcox who co-founded the Georgia State Supreme Court and had his military headquarters in Jacksonville, Ga., during the Indian Wars; (6) Gen. Pierre (Peter) Beauregard who came to the plantations of the Boyds, Ashleys, and Mannings after the Civil War on his way back to Louisiana. Former South Carolina Gov. John Laurence Manning was a nephew of Laurence Manning who lived on the river just south of Jacksonville. During the Civil War Col. John Laurence Manning had been an aide to Gen. Beauregard.

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