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Pepe Zyman | all galleries >> Galleries >> Some of My Favorites > 22-Oct-2004
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Nikon Japan just came up with a new digital camera and zoom lens and I have the first ones!

No more scratches on your expensive glass, now you don’t have to take out the lens cap to be able to take a picture.
The new 24-120mm f/3.5 Nikkor X-Ray is the perfect solution!
You don’t have to close an eye to take a picture anymore with the new "Nikon D100 Open Your Eye” digital body.

“Remember, you can’t do this with a Canon”

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jim paire04-Oct-2013 22:54
I love it. jim
fotabug23-Jun-2013 04:56
Could I borrow it? :)
Wolfgang Wander13-Dec-2006 22:13
“Remember, you can’t do this with a Canon”

Hah! I'd love to try but it wouldn't be as original any more.
fotabug08-Jul-2006 07:20
From one Nikon guy to another - great SP!
Naomi 24-Jun-2006 23:33
I'm a Canon girl myself, but this is a nice SP.
Jim Chiesa07-May-2006 10:19
The focus on the white touch. Interesting !
Guest 30-Jan-2006 16:21
Great SP, long live Nikon:-)
Guest 18-Oct-2005 05:02
Pepe, you should write copy for Nikon - great imagination!!
Guest 06-Oct-2005 03:57
perfect SP. big vote for this one!
Ana Carloto O'Shea24-Aug-2005 15:42
The real Nikon man :)) That camera and those lenses are dream like stuff...
I like your self-portrait a lot, especially the light & brightness in your eye.
Guest 16-Aug-2005 03:11
LOL! Had to call my husband in the room to see this :) Very funny and a terrific portrait, Pepe!
Leo Charette28-Jul-2005 03:15
What a fabulous self portrait. Love this!
Jack Zyman 27-May-2005 01:41
como le hiciste para sacar esta foto, esta de pelos....
Dan Chusid29-Mar-2005 13:57
Well of course this won't work with a Canon ... The threads are different!!! ;-)
Guest 23-Mar-2005 08:58
Classic ! GMV
Guest 27-Jan-2005 08:02
Why not with a canon?
Karen Leaf24-Nov-2004 02:11
HA! Made me LOL.
Cliff20-Nov-2004 06:31
Perfect! - love the expression :o)
snootydog26-Oct-2004 03:37
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Anne Young26-Oct-2004 00:09
This is great!! Nice to finally see you :)
virginiacoastline24-Oct-2004 21:50
hmmm . . just ever so tongue-in-cheek with your xray Nikon . . I wonder how many calls Nikon has gotten on this since your post . .LOL!
Pedro Libório23-Oct-2004 18:51
eheheeh....lovely done!!!!
laine8223-Oct-2004 09:25
Nice to meet you Pepe. Great SP & the camera sounds good too.
Guest 23-Oct-2004 05:37
Great shot Pepe. it`s fantastic and with great sense of humor!!
Robin Reid23-Oct-2004 04:09
Great shot Pepe. Very creative.
But what you can do with a Canon is take a picture of a person using this X-Ray camera.
See my shot of Beck Chew.
Guest 23-Oct-2004 03:39
wow dad, I love it!
Guest 23-Oct-2004 01:51
Good shot dad, i like it
Elaine (etfitz)23-Oct-2004 00:06
Very nice sp!
Gayle P. Clement22-Oct-2004 23:39
Very distinguished SP!
Herb 22-Oct-2004 22:19
You should wear a lead helmet so you don't od on radiation.Never happens with a Canon!!!
Cool SP btw.
Gary Winters22-Oct-2004 22:02
Ha Ha! Good shot, good SP. And this comes from a confirmed Canon guy... ;-)
Guest 22-Oct-2004 20:27
hehehehe... You are not so wrong man!!! I bet in a near future, they will do that...
Great shot here!! I like the tones. :-)
Josy's Pics22-Oct-2004 19:52
Wow... great shot... well done! :)
Guest 22-Oct-2004 17:37
Funny guy ... love this shot ... what control over exposure.
Guest 22-Oct-2004 17:31
You look like Shakespeare!! LOVE this DARK shot! I wanna make one!
Stu22-Oct-2004 17:24
Lol... but, my, what a big glass you have there