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"The Beastmaster"
- Sometimes, you gotta give Lions a swift kick to get em' to pose right-

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Jean-Luc Elias18-Feb-2008 12:46
Curious to see the picture that the photographer took at that moment!
Anna Yu24-Jul-2007 16:04
Still my all-time favorite :)
Shu27-Nov-2006 04:38
Giggle-Giggle~~~~~~~(I always have a good laugh when viewing this!) shu
Kathy Pilgrim02-Jul-2006 13:02
I am getting so many messages from this wonderful photo at one time that my brain is in grid lock:-) Truly a magnifient shot with perfect photographic qualities. Voted!
Karen Moen07-Jun-2006 23:20
Great shot! How close was he to those teeth? Voted.
Shu09-Nov-2005 03:46
HA-Ha "Open, open W I D E!" shu
Anna Yu15-Dec-2004 05:33
Dale this is still the funniest picture I've ever seen. Can you do some more?