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Pepe Zyman | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> PICTURE A DAY FOR ONE YEAR 2004 - 2005 >> October 2004 > 12-Oct-2004
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Nikon D2H, 105mm f/2.8D AF Micro-Nikkor
1/640s f/3.2 at 105.0mm iso200

other sizes: small medium original auto
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laine8214-Oct-2004 18:07
A perfect bud perfectly captured.
Wenche Aune13-Oct-2004 08:04
Gayle P. Clement13-Oct-2004 06:28
An incredibly beautiful shade of pink!
Karen Leaf13-Oct-2004 00:15
An astounding color. I'll take a dozen, please
Anne Young12-Oct-2004 23:05
Beautiful shot. I like how the out of focus flowers are framing the one in the center.
Elaine (etfitz)12-Oct-2004 22:55
It looks so delicate. Beautiful!
Herb 12-Oct-2004 22:41
Nice composition.
Guest 12-Oct-2004 22:32
Very beautiful shot. I like the corners with blurred petals very much.
Pedro Libório12-Oct-2004 21:57
so sweet, what an impressive pink !!!
lovely done!
Robin Reid12-Oct-2004 21:35
Very lovely rose. Nicely done.
Katie Chew12-Oct-2004 20:51
Beautiful color of pink and composition!
Guest 12-Oct-2004 20:06
simply gorgeous. i love the presentation as well.
jude12-Oct-2004 19:52
Beautiful.. just beautiful.. i like the way the blurred background flowers are at each corner.. balancing this ... very nice
Guest 12-Oct-2004 18:35
Beautiful colors and well composed!!