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Toni Moore | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White-The texture of Life > 04044
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Sony Cybershot
1/60s f/2.4 at 48.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Stacey 08-Dec-2004 23:58
Dear Toni!
Kelly just sent me pics of Mr. Scratchy--great memories. Your daughter would make me laugh the entire day. I HAVE AN IRISH WOLFHOUND--LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS PIC!!! I was looking at your orchid shots--AMAZING!! You are very talent and the apples do not fall far from the tree:)I hope to meet you one day.

Happy Holidays,
missy_gardenwhimsy14-Nov-2004 09:58
I love this photo, Toni! Is the pup an Irish Wolfhound? Missy
Gary Winters06-Nov-2004 06:54
They were made for each other...
Guest 03-Nov-2004 16:54
wow... cool capture Toni...
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