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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Water Photos > 040918 wetlands
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040918 wetlands

Beck and I went to Lincoln
City today to look for a new
camera bag for him. We came
back with a new bag and LENS.
Coming home we stopped by and took
a few pics of this wetland. I
finally decided on this one.

Nikon D70
1/125s f/5.6 at 44.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 22-Oct-2004 15:16
Nature photographs in B&W are some of my favorites, this one has wonderful tones and contrast.
Robin Reid20-Sep-2004 03:50
I like the b&w .. the use of the reflections and the comp. Well done.
Kansas 19-Sep-2004 23:04
Love this b/w with the reflections.
Argishti Khachik19-Sep-2004 17:24
Excellently done!
Guest 19-Sep-2004 13:07
Well done!
Karen Stuebing19-Sep-2004 09:44
I like the b/w treatment. Beautiful pool of water.
Gayle P. Clement19-Sep-2004 05:52
Great reflection, Katie.
gary becker19-Sep-2004 02:53
Very nice.
Breland19-Sep-2004 02:48
Great reflection on the pond.
Karen Leaf19-Sep-2004 02:03
Like this one Katie, but tell us about the LENS!