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S. Martinho do Porto Stu

Encontro com Pedro

18 de Setembro de 2004

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feeling, everything's going my way! Up at the crack of dawn to make sure I did not miss my train. Out the door at 8am, phoned home on the hoof. Caught the tram to Cais Sodré, then the underground to Entrecampos where I had to catch the train to Caldas da Rainha. The railway company's internet page told me that I would have to change train no less than three times; however, the man at the ticket office said I didn't. I checked the signs in the station... a direct train to Caldas was due to leave platform 3 at 11.16am. The problem was that platform 3 is reserved for the southbound Fertagus trains (the ones that cross the bridge), and the last I checked, Caldas was north of Lisbon. Confused, I asked again at the ticket office, and was assured that a train for Caldas would leave platform 3 at 11.16am - the other platform 3. A station with two platform 3s!!! I ask you!!! Anyway, it was still only 9.20am, and I realised that I hadn't yet eaten, so I walked to a cafe and had breakfast, then strolled in a leisurely fashion back to the station to await the train. When it arrived, I noticed that it did not offer any refreshments, so since I still had an hour to kill, I went to the supermarket and bought a picnic. Got back to the train with half-an-hour to spare, and collapsed in a pool of sweat into the airconditioned carriage. A beautiful, if uneventful journey, and two-and-a-half hours later I was disgorged into the Caldas heat, where I waited an hour for Sílvia to pick me up. A quick trip to say hello to Sílvia's parents, and then I borrowed her car to come to São Martinho, home of PEDRO LIBÓRIO. I am now in Pedro's house, and we are just about to go out for something to eat. He said hello!

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1/2500s f/4.0 at 7.8mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 28-Sep-2004 22:53
Greetings Pedro! (And nice shot, Stu!)
Gayle P. Clement23-Sep-2004 04:15
Wonderful, Stewart! The composition is awesome, the background like a fantasy world. Great shot.
Jude Marion21-Sep-2004 20:31
Beautiful comp! I like the colours a lot - so vivid and intense!
katwilkens20-Sep-2004 21:45
I love the bright, vivid colors. Also the large foreground figure in contrast to the tiny boats--great composition!
Linda Alstead20-Sep-2004 20:46
cool shot!
virginiacoastline20-Sep-2004 00:46
hola, Pedro! And great story on your part, Stewart . . . .I like all the tiny toy boats at your feet - LOL!
northstar3719-Sep-2004 21:00
Great stuff!
Pedro Libório19-Sep-2004 20:14
foi um grande prazer ter-te conhecido em pessoa Stu, ainda mais de visita aqui a São Martinho. Espero que nos encontremos muito mais vezes e olha quem sabe não tenhas conseguido despertar o desejo de voltar ao PaD...pode ser que sim...
um grande abraço meu amigo!
Argishti Khachik19-Sep-2004 17:37
wow, what a wonderful view! Love it. Thanks for the wonderful shot Stu.
Dominic Kite19-Sep-2004 17:04
And I thought it was a nice day here, when it only clouded over in the afternoon. Can you tell I'm jealous?!
Guest 19-Sep-2004 12:04
nice scene!
Guest 19-Sep-2004 10:43
Aah so that's what it looks like when the sun comes out. Do you need a secretary over there Stewart? I'll even open your invoice envelopes.
jypsee19-Sep-2004 07:11
This is really nice; what did you eat?
Karen Leaf19-Sep-2004 02:34
Cool shot, as is his. Great to see Pedro, miss him here.
Lol at your train adventures.
petesie19-Sep-2004 02:26
How wonderful for you both....and what a beautiful view. So glad you could be there. Hi to you both, also!
laine8218-Sep-2004 23:49
Wow, great colour & focus here Stu. Pedro makes those boats look really small. The platform saga gave me a giggle ;>)
Guest 18-Sep-2004 23:38
Great photo Stewart! Tell Pedro I miss his PaD! He was one of my favorite photogarphers.

Cheers, and have fun.
jude18-Sep-2004 21:51
So very cool that you get to meet up with Pedro! Tell him i miss his daily
Beautiful colors here.
Karthik Raja18-Sep-2004 21:11
BEautiful shot
Gavin18-Sep-2004 20:58
Great image, I just love the colour and light. You know you are really starting to make me envious :) Och well I'm off to the Costa del Sol come the 3rd, and you will be back in good ol; sunny Scotland;) Glad your having a wonderful time. Say " hi " to Pedro
Guest 18-Sep-2004 20:47
Wonderful Image! Beautiful place. I am glad that you are having a good day. Say "howdy" to Pedro from North Carolina. Good evening... johnny
Si Kirk18-Sep-2004 20:08
wow great view, nice photo well worth getting up for
Adalberto Tiburzi18-Sep-2004 20:06
I like that way of shadowing the lens, infact is cool.
Zak18-Sep-2004 20:02
wow! great view from up there!