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Gary Winters | all galleries >> Picture A Day '07/2004 - '06/2005 >> September 2004 > Drink, anyone?
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Drink, anyone?

A Photoshop experiment that went over the

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Cindy15-Sep-2004 01:40
Kewl experiment, isn't it fun to experiment with PS, your quite the digital artist there friend!!
Jude Marion12-Sep-2004 15:05
This is pretty fun .. I love the colours!
Pepe Zyman12-Sep-2004 06:44
Is it diet? Remember yesterdays picture!
Karen Leaf12-Sep-2004 02:51
Red, white, blue? (can't tell if it's blue or purple, working on a crappy monitor).
Like how you made the liquid run down thru the ice.
Robin Reid11-Sep-2004 15:57
Excellent Gary. And my gosh, you took this awfully early this AM!!!
Melanie11-Sep-2004 14:45
Mmmmmm, looks to be a cool, refreshing drink of water being poured.

Love the way you protrayed this photo. Very well done IMO
Herb 11-Sep-2004 13:27
Part of your new diet?
Gayle P. Clement11-Sep-2004 13:18
A very colorful experiment here.
Guest 11-Sep-2004 13:16
I really like the efect you made in this photo. Great colors and light. Yes it is kind of invitation to drink, but I`m just waiking up, so I guess this is going to be reserved for tonight while watching the soccer game.
Zak11-Sep-2004 10:51
Lori Rolfe11-Sep-2004 09:51
I like this "experiment" ...... very intriging image.... I bet even more so on a really hot day
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