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Jim Chiesa | all galleries >> Galleries >> My favourites > Different scales of life
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Different scales of life

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AviBen29-May-2005 01:17
Jim, I love this image -- the hand at rest, the creature sitting ever so delicately and peacefully on a perch that would normally be restless and even deadly.
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe13-Nov-2004 13:31
I have to agree with Armino here, the lighting is fantastic. Excellent fine details. Great composition.
Guest 17-Oct-2004 19:57
Un beau détail et une très belle lumière.
Fabienne26-Aug-2004 22:03
voilà une petite visite surprise bien sympathique, c'est très réussi.
Carol E Sandgren21-Aug-2004 06:31
So small a life but every bit as perfect as a large one! Nice size contrast demonstrates this well. I like the black background that sets off the subjects.