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Lou Giroud | all galleries >> ONE YEAR Picture a DAY - 2004 - 2005 >> PAD JULY 2004 > Old Style Portrait. - July 14-04
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Old Style Portrait. - July 14-04

Just working on the photos I made from my nephew's wedding, I decided to make this old style portrait of the bride. It is easy to get a good looking one on the screen, but most it is far away from a good printing version. This one combines both.

Nikon F100 - Kodak Elite Chrome 200 iso - Nikon 5000Ed Scan

other sizes: small medium large auto
Gary Senkus15-Aug-2004 21:24
Super job Lou,
Pedro Libório17-Jul-2004 20:39
wonderful smile and quite a nice work!
Guest 15-Jul-2004 13:25
I love the old time feel. Very sweet, the bride should be happy!
Robin Reid14-Jul-2004 23:29
Interesting about the "green" issue. I've never calibrated my screen to my printer... mostly because I look at all my pix on screen.
Well done here Lou. You really catch the beauty of the moment.
Lou Giroud14-Jul-2004 17:27
It is why I said, between what one sees on screen and what it prints out, there are worlds of difference. This is not a sepia colouring, this is an old style B&W with a stich of green indeed. On my 19 inch Hansol this looks also more green, while on the 17 inch TFT from the Acer laptop, the picture is allmost identical with what comes out of the printer.
Katie Chew14-Jul-2004 14:27
Lovely picture, lovely girl.
virginiacoastline14-Jul-2004 14:14
she's lovely & it's a great pose . .but, at least on my screen, this is reaaaaally green vice sepia . .=\
Gayle P. Clement14-Jul-2004 14:06
You've captured such joy of life and vitality here. Very nice.
Ray :)14-Jul-2004 10:22
They'll be pleased to see this. Lucky man!
Larry Ahern14-Jul-2004 09:50
Very pretty girl! nice work.
laine8214-Jul-2004 09:06
I like this style very much. Lovely bride too.