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Louise Hamelin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Covered in white > Beauty of the Moment , A New Year ...
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Beauty of the Moment , A New Year ...

Montreal, QC

"A New Year full of moments
where joy and fulfillment are in our heart
making us feel truly alive to the world around us.
May we find those moments; make them; bring them alive in others."
- Louise Hamelin 01/2004

... A true gift of love I received from a very special being and wanted to share :-***

Nikon Coolpix 4500
1/988s f/7.5 at 7.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Tracy Howell15-Aug-2006 22:17
This is another lovely shot. I like the composition and the sky is very interesting it adds alot of feeling and mood to the picture.....Very very nice!.
Robin Reid08-Oct-2004 16:09
A gorgeous image and great sentiments.