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Parents' Music?
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13-DEC-2003 Dscf2058

December 13 2003:
Parents' Music?


Whilst not being a parent myself, Radio 2 certainly was seen as a channel for people who were well over 40, if not 50. Fortunately for me, all this changed at quite an convenient time in my life and many people in their mid to late twenties also listen to the BBC's most popular station. OK, now I am middle aged, but it also makes me feel younger even if the reality is a little different!

FujiFilm FinePix 2600Z
1/2s f/3.5 at 6.0mm iso100 full exif

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Guest 16-Dec-2003 20:58
Yep, I can relate to that - but I do listen to Radio 2 on a Saturday - Jonathon Ross and then a whole hour of comedy before I rapidly switch it off to avoid the dull tones of Dale Winton!!!! I do like a bit of Virgin in the mornings, tho - but beyond 10am on a weekday it's rubbish!!
Nice photo, by the way!!
Guest 14-Dec-2003 23:15
Radio 4 for me as well - mostly the Comedy and Today, on the way to and from work
David Mingay14-Dec-2003 10:44
Does anybody over the age of 12 listen to Radio 1 any more? It's radio 4 for me!