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Paul Teixeira | all galleries >> Galleries >> Selection of editorial portraits 1980 - 2014 (photographed for magazines & newspapers) > Fons Rademakers
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Fons Rademakers

The Hague, The Netherlands

Fons Rademakers, Dutch film director & Oscar Award winner ('De Aanslag')

Canon F-1n ,Canon FD 35-70mm

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dafna07-Oct-2012 01:33
I love everything about this portrait- wonderful!
Yiannis Pavlis25-Feb-2012 15:01
An excellent portrait
PauloCGama09-Jun-2010 18:21
Top class!!! Vv
Guest 27-May-2009 20:10
I love this darkness and this expresion... V
Guest 29-Oct-2007 22:11
This is definately one of the most well lit portraits I have seen. Getting lucky just means you are better than you originally thought you were ;)
Ana Carloto O'Shea12-Sep-2005 11:10
What a beautiful lighting :))
Amazing work Paul.
Guest 10-Apr-2005 12:49
Wonderfully dark. I see he's a filmmaker, I'm sure he was pleased with this portrait. It looks like a still from an old b&w movie.
Rob Cruse07-May-2004 10:46
Striking and complex.
Din Prodrive11-Apr-2004 11:35
wow this one looks so great and unique!
Love the lighting, Great shot...
Paul Teixeira13-Jan-2004 23:20
Thanks Ron and Matt, it was a sheer stroke of luck here though... I didn't have to time to meter and focus properly. Took the viewfinder out of my F1, sort of focused and winged the composition and exposure.
Ron Horloff13-Jan-2004 23:00
This ranks as one of the best portrait photos I've seen.

Mateo Hevezi13-Dec-2003 00:41
Great shot Paul, love this shot especially. Matt
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