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Julian Williams | all galleries >> Julian Williams's Galleries >> Old Jacksonville, Ga.- Where History Lives > Marker 2a - Generals Blackshear, Breckinridge, Beauregard
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Marker 2a - Generals Blackshear, Breckinridge, Beauregard

General David Blackshear built Ft. Clark near home of Gen. John Clark in 1813. He also built a military road (Blackshear Road) from Jacksonville through present-day Blackshear, Ga., and on to Darien and St. Mary's. He also built forts and roads in west Georgia. Gen. John C. Breckinridge, former Vice-President of the United States, Confederate general and Secretary of War for the Confederacy, fled Yankee pursuers at the close of the Civil War and hid out at Jacksonville, Ga., for a couple of days. Although Jefferson Davis was captured at Irwinville, Breckinridge, with a $40,000 reward on his head, escaped, with the help of the people of Jacksonville. In 1869 President Grant allowed him to return to this country; he practiced law in his native Kentucky until his death. General Pierre (Peter) Beauregard also came to the Jacksonville, Ga., area at the close of the war and visited the plantations south of the river (where Boyds, Mannings, and Ashleys lived). Gov. John Laurence Manning of SC had been one of Beauregard's aides in the Civil War. The Governor's uncle, Laurence Manning, lived on a river plantation just south of Jacksonville and participated actively in the affairs of the river town.

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