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JD Anderson | all galleries >> Action! > Air Force Academy Jump Team (8259)
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Air Force Academy Jump Team (8259)

This shot won fifth place in the Adventure Theme Contest at, which is a cash prize contest! I think 5th pays $25! Woo Hoo... This also won a POTD at in the Action/Journalism category on September 4, 2003, and it won second place for Action/Journalism September '03 Best of Category. This win includes a prize (Alien Skin's Image Doctor $129 value). This Air Force Academy cadet was jumping in honor of the breast cancer survivors at the Race for the Cure Event August 10, 2003. I tried to get this shot with the first four jumpers, but missed. I got this final jumper as she passed by the sun. She was the only jumper in the group with a flag, so the timing worked out well! The bright sun flare caused some purple and green fringing anround the sunspot that was very difficult to deal with in Photoshop, hence the black and white!

other sizes: small medium original auto
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