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pleases me no end....

Apple iPhone 14 Pro
1/121s f/1.8 at 6.9mm iso100 full exif

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marie-jose wolff13-Mar-2025 16:31
She is very interested in her book, so sweet! V
Alexander Kazakov12-Mar-2025 15:40
So sweet! V
Alla Gilbourd09-Mar-2025 10:20
So cute! Great portrait. V
Tom LeRoy07-Mar-2025 10:01
Truly adorable portrait of her. BV
Zoltán Balogh07-Mar-2025 07:46
I'm so glad to see that she seems to be interested in books - she'll love reading, I'm sure.:) V
Bill Miller06-Mar-2025 22:23
Wonderful picture and so lovely to see
janescottcumming06-Mar-2025 21:44
So cute! V
Carl Carbone05-Mar-2025 13:35
What a sweetie. Our daughter was the same with books. :-)
Graeme05-Mar-2025 13:30
She looks very engrossed in the book, Laine.V
Dan Opdal05-Mar-2025 00:32
Wow, what a beautiful portrait! Thank you for sharing. V
joanteno04-Mar-2025 19:06
What a legacy - you should be very proud!
Bryan Murahashi04-Mar-2025 03:55
Sweet, sweet capture.
Nestor Derkach03-Mar-2025 22:43
Portrait perfect in the frame a great start as a bookworm.
A very pleasing sight Lane you are right saying that.
John03-Mar-2025 03:39
Can't start young enough reading. I wish I had read more in my past. This photo is priceless of course. So cute, so precious. V
Johnny JAG02-Mar-2025 20:31
She'll be reading Jane Austen in no time.
Alain Boussac02-Mar-2025 17:30
Wonderful baby and moment captured ! V.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal02-Mar-2025 13:33
What a beautiful and cute image. V
Jeff Real02-Mar-2025 13:31
Welcome to the wprld of books and reading, Sweetie!
This brings joy to my heart!
I wish I could sit and read to you but you will be reading to your family soon.
Helen Betts02-Mar-2025 12:54
She looks very interested in the book! Adorable shot. V.
Brenda02-Mar-2025 12:40
What a wonderful portrait! May her love of books continue to grow. BV! What long eyelashes!!!
John Hamers02-Mar-2025 09:37
This is too cute :) V!
joseantonio02-Mar-2025 04:02
such a sweet moment.V.
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