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fotabug | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-A-Day 2025 > Window Box at Hillbilly Brew
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19-Jun-2024 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Window Box at Hillbilly Brew

I admired this flower box I see at the local latte hut, called Hillbilly Brew. The flowers were there to enjoy all during the fall. I haven't been there yet this year but I doubt it will look that good now! Looking for something to post took me back into 2024, but the image is a good start for 2025. On to the new year! Hope it is a good one.

Nikon Z 8 ,NIKKOR Z 24-120mm f/4 S
1/500s f/4.0 at 120.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Steve Thuman12-Jan-2025 22:48
Julie Oldfield09-Jan-2025 01:39
So pretty. V
Allan Jay08-Jan-2025 22:51
Beautifully framed, Vern.
Nestor Derkach08-Jan-2025 12:13
This is a beautiful wide format presentation framed with care and very colorful.
The flowers are amazing.
joseantonio08-Jan-2025 04:21
it´s really a lovely display.V.
Helen Betts08-Jan-2025 00:55
Great shot of this lovely display.
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