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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Life in 2024 > Snow Monkey Baby
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221224_WMM0200 22nd December

Snow Monkey Baby

Yudanaka, Japan

A super visit to the snow monkeys while it was actually snowing heavily.
This is a significant crop but I think the quality is quite good considering the consumer 14-150mm lens.
And last year was big wheel.

OM System OM-5
1/100s f/5.6 at 150.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Apostolos Tikopoulos29-Dec-2024 17:15
Amazing portrait work. V
Jean-Claude Billonneau24-Dec-2024 23:45
Superbe portrait de ce jeune singe et quel regard! V
Bryan Murahashi24-Dec-2024 05:07
Wonderful photo.
globalgadabout24-Dec-2024 01:47
so captivating....character shines through here, an empathy for conditions endured..
Dallas Hyatt23-Dec-2024 14:52
Awesome shot! So engaging!
Ray :)23-Dec-2024 14:20
What a superb portrait. I have a friend who flew from Singapore to Japan just to see these.
Tom LeRoy23-Dec-2024 12:01
So cute and superbly photographed! V
joseantonio23-Dec-2024 11:59
nice closeup details.V.
Liz Bickel23-Dec-2024 11:49
Something I've long wanted to do. Great shot!!! The fresh snow was a real bonus.
Alexander Kazakov23-Dec-2024 11:41
So sweet! V
janescottcumming23-Dec-2024 11:37
Fantastic! Must have been so cool to see in person. V
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