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Regine L. | all galleries >> new_orleans >> animals > Herd of cows wading through river to get to greener pasture
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07-Nov-2024 Regine L.

Herd of cows wading through river to get to greener pasture

Stillwater, New Jersey Sussex County view map

We are living under drought conditions. There hasn't been a drop of rain in our county since the end of September. Day time temperatures are also way above normal. There is a possibility for first frost tomorrow night.

samsung SM-N960U
1/1185s f/2.4 at 4.3mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Wintermeer09-Nov-2024 20:47
The lighting is superb! ~V~
joseantonio09-Nov-2024 04:17
love the long shadow.V.
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