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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Eclectica (10 Galleries) >> Fun with Infrared > View through a Grain Loading Area
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View through a Grain Loading Area

Arriba, CO

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janescottcumming11-Oct-2024 21:15
That’s a clever composition! V
bill friedlander11-Oct-2024 14:49
Marvellous point of view that adds depth to the scene. V
Marcia Rules11-Oct-2024 13:59
It's eerie yet also inviting. Such a novel vision here! ~VVV
Danad11-Oct-2024 13:56
A striking work "in blue" with all these framings in the frame and the perspective.
Charlene Ambrose11-Oct-2024 04:52
A terrific view and the infrared adds such an interesting tone to it. V
joseantonio11-Oct-2024 03:19
nice composition and framing.V.
larose forest photos11-Oct-2024 01:17
Very cleverly framed and photographed. This is fabulous! V
Hank Vander Velde11-Oct-2024 00:11
Neatly ftamed image Dan.
globalgadabout10-Oct-2024 23:42
utterly fascinating...what a rich grain to this image, with tone and vision in such magnificent harmony...V