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Allan Jay | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fraser Valley, BC > Follow The Light...
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Follow The Light...

DSCF3476-V7 copy.jpg

Captured in Golden Ear National Park. Can be
quite a busy place to photograph. I struggled
initially to isolate a scene!

FujiFilm X-T5 ,Fuji 35mm f1.4R
1/120s f/5.6 at 35.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Alexander Kazakov28-Oct-2024 16:15
Fairy tale! V
Zoltán Balogh25-Oct-2024 06:33
Very well seen and composed, magnificent image. V
Jeff Real12-Oct-2024 13:12
You did a beautiful job of making this compositiob so perfect!
It is all about this amazing light!
Julie Oldfield12-Oct-2024 02:04
Beautiful shadows surrounding the image. V
Kevin D Warren11-Oct-2024 23:24
Love that splash of light among the shadowy vertical tree trunks.
bill friedlander11-Oct-2024 14:44
Superb composition with perfect light. V
Marcia Rules11-Oct-2024 14:13
Fantastic comp! Such a unique fall image, Al BVV~
Charlene Ambrose11-Oct-2024 04:54
Nice capture of the light in the forest. V
Dennis Hoyne11-Oct-2024 00:42
A lovely composition, such exquisite color and detail.
Helen Betts10-Oct-2024 20:12
Just beautiful in that warm light! V.
larose forest photos10-Oct-2024 20:02
The light is wonderful in this superb shot, and the isolation of the new growth on the old stump is marvelous. VV
globalgadabout10-Oct-2024 19:39
the particular amid the general...perceptive shooting Allan..
Alain Boussac10-Oct-2024 19:09
An image full of sensibility and of a luminous beauty. V.
joseantonio10-Oct-2024 18:41
nicely focused in that light.V.