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Me. Forever a cat lover.

Canon PowerShot G3 X
1/30s f/5.0 at 31.4mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Tom Munson11-Oct-2024 19:17
This is a wonderful portrait, Anitta.
William Hartshorn10-Oct-2024 05:28
I remember meeting up with our Cohort up in the Gold Rush Backroads!!
Great Trip, Light, Love<3 and Adventure to the fullest!!! CUNEXTYMEOUT!!!
~GMV~ <3
mic_hong10-Oct-2024 04:56
A very nice shot of you and your furry companion.
Dan Greenberg09-Oct-2024 19:00
Beautiful portrait of you Anitta with your feline friend. ~BV~
Danad09-Oct-2024 15:47
A great portrait of you Anitta !
Jean Chiasson09-Oct-2024 15:43
Allo Anitta beautiful portrait V