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In Praise of Sundown

Saguaro National Park

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Jeremy05-Sep-2024 02:30
Like the golden-brown colour of the scene here cast by the setting sun ... V
Danad04-Sep-2024 13:16
In this great warm light, they seem to communicate with each others.
Bill Miller04-Sep-2024 11:07
A family of saguaro
Julie Oldfield04-Sep-2024 02:19
The light is gorgeous. I like how the cactuses appear to be communicating with each other. V
Kevin D Warren03-Sep-2024 20:16
An apt title and a beautiful capture of the light.
Nick Paoni03-Sep-2024 19:04
The warm light is amazing.
Dan Greenberg03-Sep-2024 16:32
They look spectacular in this yellow orange glow of the setting sun. I like all of those little red flowering cacti at the bottom a lot too. ~BV~
joseantonio03-Sep-2024 15:55
nice work with the beautiful light.V.
globalgadabout03-Sep-2024 15:48
unlike the still green cholla, the saguaros look as if they have picked up a tan from many a glorious sundown...they stand so expressively as well, especially the feature specimen on the right..
bill friedlander03-Sep-2024 14:12
Nice warm colors. V
Helen Betts03-Sep-2024 14:10
Marvelous color in those interesting looking cacti. V.
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