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Fireworks At The Bay (2of5)

Bear in mind this was taken with an ultra-wide, so the fireworks looked ‘pushed back’ in the photo. In actual fact, the aerial bursts towered and covered the whole sky above us where we stood …

The people standing at the edge of the boardwalk at the bottom of the photo provide a scale reference for the actual size of the fireworks.

Canon EOS R7
5s f/16.0 at 10.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bill Taylor13-Sep-2024 15:31
Excellent Shot !
Jeff Real17-Aug-2024 12:17
Really wonderful photography!
You have captured the design of the fireworks so perfectly!
Love the color too!
Fabienne13-Aug-2024 19:33
Des feux d’artifice impeccablement photographiés . C’est superbe à voir.
Julie Oldfield13-Aug-2024 01:18
Perfectly exposed to capture the excitement. V
Blandine Mangin12-Aug-2024 18:49
superbe feu d'artifice ! v
Marcia Rules12-Aug-2024 16:20
A festive, fun image well shot! VV~
Dan Opdal12-Aug-2024 04:55
Beautiful night shot. My favorite today! V
Walter Otto Koenig11-Aug-2024 18:17
Spectacular shot with excellent exposure. "V"
Apostolos Tikopoulos11-Aug-2024 16:31
Amazing image and great timing. V
bill friedlander11-Aug-2024 15:42
Another perfectly exposed fireworks capture. V
Boris Alexander Keller11-Aug-2024 14:32
Brilliance captured with brilliant exposure and skills! Beautiful fireworks! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal11-Aug-2024 05:13
This is fantastic a great shot of this spectacular fireworks. V
Nirvan Hope11-Aug-2024 05:04
Fantastic. Gorgeous colors.
Richard Chu11-Aug-2024 03:46
Another gorgeous image of the firework! V
joseantonio11-Aug-2024 03:34
wow, it´s like being there. Thank you for taking us with you.V.
Bryan Murahashi11-Aug-2024 03:34
An excellent photo of this impressive and massive display.
Dennis Hoyne11-Aug-2024 03:21
A sstunning fireworks show, beautifully photographed.
Don11-Aug-2024 03:13
That's a spectacular show indeed.
Charlene Ambrose11-Aug-2024 02:20
Amazing capture! V
Helen Betts11-Aug-2024 01:54
Another spectacular shot, they certainly are enormous. V.
globalgadabout11-Aug-2024 00:44
like an electric bouquet, fizzing with colour and a sense of celebration...impressive skills to capture what seems a magnificent show...V
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