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Helen Betts | all galleries >> Galleries >> Whirlwind Trip Down Memory Lane: 1991-2000 > The other side of Hong Kong
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The other side of Hong Kong

The note on my print photo said there were police officers with weapons everywhere, especially at the airport, although I don’t think this was taken there. I took another picture of a guard outside a jewelry store, armed with a rifle.


I finally found my print pictures of all the foreign travel we did while posted with the State Department to Yokohama/Tokyo (1991-95) and our first tour in Turkey (1996-2000), including to Hong Kong, China, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Israel, Jordan and Germany. Since we can't really do any vacation travel these days, it's a nice trip down memory lane to revisit all those places we saw so long ago.

Open-air market, posted earlier:

Charlene Ambrose13-Jun-2024 05:08
Great catch!
Julie Oldfield13-Jun-2024 02:21
Law and order seems a top priority. His pose is interesting and great timing to capture it. V
Carl Carbone13-Jun-2024 02:17
Great documentary shot!
Liz Bickel11-Jun-2024 21:49
I think that Jose may be right about the time of your visit.

Since I haven't been in Hong Kong since 2019, I can't speak about today. A lot has happened during the past 5 years. However, above was never the scene during my dozen visits to Hong Kong from the early 80's on. Admittedly, I did avoid visiting during the time frame of the "change-over" because violent crime was a serious problem for a while. Due to thar seriousness of the situation, many Western residents reluctantly left their lifetime homes on the island. However, from my personal repeat experiences, I have never seen Hong Kong like this. Your photo is a very interesting in that it's so different than the Hong Kong I've experienced.
Blandine Mangin11-Jun-2024 19:00
l'insécurité semble partout ! v
Tom Munson11-Jun-2024 18:27
Not much has changed.
hayl11-Jun-2024 16:00
A jarring note to the scene of people going about their business.
Richard Chu11-Jun-2024 15:48
Good capture, maybe there was a robbery occurred that day.
Tom LeRoy11-Jun-2024 13:17
Almost common now days, great candid image of this policeman V
joseantonio11-Jun-2024 13:17
Maybe this was close to eh July 1997 return of the Colony to China.V.
Pierre Martin11-Jun-2024 11:34
scene that we are not used to around here!