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Marcia Rules


Venice Beach

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Dan Greenberg08-Jun-2024 12:12
Great find that you photographed perfectly to emphasize the graphic impact. A great addition to this gallery. ~BV~
waterfalls man06-Jun-2024 04:12
Beautiful Shot V!!
Allan Jay05-Jun-2024 17:53
Excellent street scene, Marcia!
Danad05-Jun-2024 09:50
Great combination of two colors...Superb framing work as usual !
Charlene Ambrose05-Jun-2024 07:52
Nice find. V
Julie Oldfield05-Jun-2024 00:58
The frown face is definitely an interesting sign on the shuttered building. Composed nicely with the angle of view. V
Walter Otto Koenig04-Jun-2024 23:38
Great with these tones and lines. "V"
Nick Paoni04-Jun-2024 21:33
I can imagine lots of folks standing in line at those windows.
Apostolos Tikopoulos04-Jun-2024 20:06
So beautiful image with those vivid colors. V
globalgadabout04-Jun-2024 18:54
definitely sealed up...that frowning 'smiley' face suggests a sense of regret...the straight on view is so apt here..
joseantonio04-Jun-2024 18:23
lovely colors nicely captured.V.
Helen Betts04-Jun-2024 17:41
Definitely closed up, but still striking with the bold colors and interesting design on the walls. V.
Graeme04-Jun-2024 16:32
A good blend of colours in the abstract, Marcia.V
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