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UBC Botanical Garden

first established in 1916, the garden hosts a huge diversity of plants, with the emphasis on conservation and research into those of the Pacific Northwest

Nikon D90
Nikkor 16-85mm - 1/500s f/8.0 at 56.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Julie Oldfield24-Apr-2024 02:53
Beautiful delicate blooms surrounded by the rough looking vines and trees. V
Danad23-Apr-2024 14:33
A vegetal chaos which seems impenetrable, like in a rainforest.
Blandine Mangin23-Apr-2024 09:22
very nice ! v
Charlene Ambrose23-Apr-2024 05:18
Perfect for Earth day.
Dennis Hoyne23-Apr-2024 03:58
The flowers and green leaves contrast beautifully with the massive stree trunk.
Bryan Murahashi23-Apr-2024 03:39
Great to see the flowers deep in the woods.
Don23-Apr-2024 01:19
Strong hints of the tropics with all those lianas.
Nick Paoni22-Apr-2024 22:03
The flowers and tiny leaves are such great accents for this scene.
janescottcumming22-Apr-2024 21:24
That is some thick vine growing up around the tree. The pink flowers are a real treat.
Helen Betts22-Apr-2024 19:33
Definitely a diversity of plants even in just this one shot.
Dan Opdal22-Apr-2024 18:50
Perfect shot to post for Earth Day! V
Tom Munson22-Apr-2024 17:27
You sure do have lots of vegetation on your side. Nice shot.
Marcia Rules22-Apr-2024 16:25
A most likable tangle of foliage! Composed to show it off effectively!
Alain Boussac22-Apr-2024 15:45
The hug by the huge lianas has a dramatic intensity, but, fortunately, the sweet spring bloom tempers the atmosphere all in contrast...V.
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