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19-Sep-2013 © Alain Boussac

She is in a Rush

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Fong Lam24-May-2024 05:43
The photograph combines multiple senses of photography, from the street shot of the stylish "Madame" caught in mid-stride
to the display of photographic works inside the shop, making it a fascinating and multi-layered capture....well done, Alain! V
francoisconstantin18-May-2024 12:43
Photo devant la boutique-photo...très originale et des plus réussie!! V
Alexander Kazakov30-Apr-2024 12:42
Great! V
Russell Tunny28-Apr-2024 16:48
Excellent street image. Colour harmony and leading the eye to wander around the image is wonderful photography. V!
Jean Chiasson22-Apr-2024 01:53
Excellent image composition V
Jeff Real20-Apr-2024 12:05
How perfect is this!
This is street photography that checks all of the boxes!
Julie Oldfield20-Apr-2024 00:56
What an awesome find and capture. Great “ eye contact “ with the mannequin. V
Ika Zinka Eferl19-Apr-2024 13:29
Well composed image of the street scene!V
Boris Alexander Keller19-Apr-2024 13:25
She´s in a hurry indeed! Classic street scene with a chic Madame and beautiful shops still in the city! V
Charlene Ambrose19-Apr-2024 06:10
Perfect timing to catch her with the wind in her hair! V
larose forest photos18-Apr-2024 23:54
So much to see in this well-captured image... the figure adds a sense of immediacy to this scene. Ace shot! VV
Pierre Martin18-Apr-2024 22:20
très belle image, excellent choix pour la boutique!!!
janescottcumming18-Apr-2024 21:08
Wonderful candid and perfect storefront for the scene. V
Helen Betts18-Apr-2024 20:23
I like the sense of motion, and a perfect shop for a photograph! V.
sand_shadow18-Apr-2024 19:26
Photography in so many different senses here, surprisingly combined! V
Tom Munson18-Apr-2024 19:16
Outstanding candid.
Dan Opdal18-Apr-2024 17:56
Wonderful street scene, very nicely done! V
globalgadabout18-Apr-2024 16:47
pity that, as she is passing by what seems a very interesting the energy you captured here..
Marcia Rules18-Apr-2024 16:03
It's all about high style in this edgy photograph. Super eye to have nailed this! VVV~
joseantonio18-Apr-2024 15:02
nice contrast with that shop window.V
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