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Nick Paoni | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Flower Fields > The Flower Fields: Feeding the Beast
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The Flower Fields: Feeding the Beast

Workers harvest flowers in the field and deliver them to wagons pulled by large tractors. I loved the interaction between the worker and the tractor, with the headlight "eyes" appearing to look hungrily at the flowers, which were color coordinated with the giant wheels.

This image is part of my 2024 series on the Flower Fields.

This image is copyrighted by the photographer and may not be used without permission.

Nikon Z 7II
1/320s f/8.0 at 85.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Liz Bickel21-Apr-2024 07:18
That is certainly a HUGE tractor!!! The workman with flowers adds scale.
Jeff Real20-Apr-2024 11:53
It really does feel like he is being watched!
This is really an incredible photograph!
Marcia Rules18-Apr-2024 16:01
So cool! It takes the gentle touch of a person as well as the menacing power
of a machine to get the goods delivered!
Danad18-Apr-2024 13:56
The worker seems to bring an offering to the tractor monster ! Great scene well timed...
janescottcumming18-Apr-2024 13:37
What a clever and interesting composition. Well seen! V
Fong Lam18-Apr-2024 12:42
The truck looks imposing and menacing against the vulnerable worker...V
Blandine Mangin18-Apr-2024 07:17
very nice ! v
Charlene Ambrose18-Apr-2024 04:32
So much to see in your great composition! Nice work. V
LynnH18-Apr-2024 03:18
I was thinking this tractor looked rather stern, then I read the caption. Good observation. It's also so BIG. V
joseantonio18-Apr-2024 03:17
great timing and capture.V.
Dennis Hoyne18-Apr-2024 03:13
A fine shot and your choice of title is perfect.
Helen Betts18-Apr-2024 01:04
She does look a bit in awe of that huge tractor. I also like the yellow of the flowers matching the wheels.
globalgadabout18-Apr-2024 00:58
the tractor, with its intimidating scale, certainly has a strong the worker is caught in motion, and wearing what seems an improvised apron..
Julie Oldfield17-Apr-2024 22:46
The “eyes” look almost menacing towards the worker. The worker bundled up makes the task look even harder. V
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