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16-Feb-2011 © Alain Boussac

Nobody to serve on the Terrace of the Iconic Cafe

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Bill Taylor22-Sep-2024 22:10
francoisconstantin16-May-2024 12:32
Superbe prise en Nb, j'aime beaucoup les reflets dans les fenêtres et les contrastes. VV
Robert Oustric03-May-2024 09:33
Super aussi désert et en noir et blanc V
Alexander Kazakov30-Apr-2024 12:41
Stunning! V
Dan Greenberg27-Apr-2024 17:10
This is exactly how I imaging Paris! Outstanding image in so many ways. ~BV~
Fabienne24-Apr-2024 16:43
Un café mythique et joliment. Belle idée le B/W qui offre un bel impact et accentue les détails.
Jeff Real21-Apr-2024 13:01
This is so perfect in black and white with the waiter standing there!
Dave Petersen Photography21-Apr-2024 11:26
A masterful black and white capture filled with spectacular values, contrasts, reflections with stellar clarity. This image tells so many stories if you look closely and the waiter completes this amazing composition. Totally magnificent!!! VVV+++
larose forest photos18-Apr-2024 23:52
Very impressive shot; the black-and-white processing adds both drama and a sense of timelessness. Excellent work! V++
Julie Oldfield17-Apr-2024 22:57
The wide view and tones create such a wonderful street capture. V
Danad17-Apr-2024 15:36
Just a word : Perfect !
Marcia Rules17-Apr-2024 14:27
Such a regal nature here. No city does sidewalk cafes better than Paris ~VVV~
Alla Gilbourd17-Apr-2024 11:26
Beautiful work! BV
Roland Le Gall17-Apr-2024 10:52
Excellent…mais je ne vois ni Sartre, ni Simone de Beauvoir…😌
Ton T.17-Apr-2024 08:18
A mesmerising result! V
Ika Zinka Eferl17-Apr-2024 07:08
Great,so many effective contrasts! V
Charlene Ambrose17-Apr-2024 06:42
Looks very old world in these tones! V
Boris Alexander Keller17-Apr-2024 06:05
Iconic place so well presented in your work here! V
Dennis Hoyne17-Apr-2024 02:58
A lovely monochrome image.
Walter Otto Koenig16-Apr-2024 20:44
Excellent in b&w with these tones and reflections. I love the look of the waiter. "V"
Pierre Martin16-Apr-2024 19:55
superbe ce monochrome et très belle compo!
globalgadabout16-Apr-2024 19:30
you had your pick of spots, and chose the best shimmers with life in your superb depiction..
Dan Opdal16-Apr-2024 19:20
Stunning shot, in B&W! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos16-Apr-2024 19:16
Impressive monochrome. V
Tom Munson16-Apr-2024 16:27
Outstanding capture in B & W.
Helen Betts16-Apr-2024 16:19
Love the multiple reflections in this great shot. V.
joseantonio16-Apr-2024 15:50
looks like a lovley place for a coffee...V
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