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03-Jun-2009 © Alain Boussac

Models before the shooting on the banks of the Seine

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Fong Lam31-May-2024 09:00
This impressive capture of beautiful people showcases their natural, unguarded moments, offering a glimpse into the world behind the camera.
The backdrop of the Seine adds to the charm and elegance of the setting, making it an excellent image of the couple and the place.
Wonderful work, Alain! V
francoisconstantin08-May-2024 12:52
Une très belle image de cette pause artistique! V
Schwarz Noël01-May-2024 13:10
La préparation de la mise en scène est parfois aussi intéressante en photo !
Le regard de cette très jolie modèle est rempli d' un grand doute ...
Un mot : Superbe et Vote !
Alexander Kazakov30-Apr-2024 12:38
Fantastic! V
Dan Opdal16-Apr-2024 19:09
Beautiful Capture! V
Fabienne13-Apr-2024 21:29
C’est un bel et original instantané.
Jeff Real13-Apr-2024 13:54
It is a cinematic work that is really fascinating!
Julie Oldfield12-Apr-2024 02:46
What a magnificent image. Her expression is priceless. V
Marcia Rules11-Apr-2024 14:46
I love the essence of life here. They are real in this moment of time ~VVV~
Eldar Kadymov11-Apr-2024 13:40
I am laughing my head off, it is probably modern interpretation of Angelique, Márquese of angels, LOL & V
Danad11-Apr-2024 13:12
Great framing to present this scene and these expressions which contrast with those which they will certainly offer later to the cameras.
Jean-Claude Billonneau11-Apr-2024 08:50
Superbe séance de maquillage. V
Charlene Ambrose11-Apr-2024 04:34
I like the way you framed the make-up artist reaching into the scene. V
Tom Munson11-Apr-2024 03:27
Impressive capture of these beautiful people.
Helen Betts10-Apr-2024 22:23
Excellent candid, with interesting expressions on their faces. V.
janescottcumming10-Apr-2024 21:38
Haven’t seen a hair style like that in a long time. Nice candid. V
joseantonio10-Apr-2024 18:19
nicely captured scene.V.
Pierre Martin10-Apr-2024 16:48
excellente image de ce couple et très bel endroit!
globalgadabout10-Apr-2024 16:15
a revealing image that brings out their humanity more clearly than would be seen in a formal shot..away from the camera they are simply two people preparing for their work..
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