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25-Feb-2014 © Alain Boussac

Josy di Parigi

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Fabienne27-Mar-2024 23:05
La lumière est subtile et éclaire le personnage formidablement bien car il fait ressortir le rouge de son costume et masque. Avec cet arriéré-plan c’est superbe.
Comme toutes vos images on y sent du savoir-faire.
Pierre04-Mar-2024 16:46
Une très belle présentation de ce joli personnage ! V
Alexander Kazakov04-Mar-2024 07:16
Excellent composition! V
Jeff Real02-Mar-2024 00:26
This has such an unforgetabble feeling!
Remarkable color also!
Fong Lam21-Feb-2024 04:44
Great use of the evening light and backdrop to present this beautiful portrait...excellent work, Alain...V
Julie Oldfield20-Feb-2024 18:18
Really outstanding. Love the reflections in the ball. V
Patricia Kay20-Feb-2024 12:53
Absolutely fabulous Alain….BV
Raymond20-Feb-2024 10:44
First class shot, beautiful
Boris Alexander Keller20-Feb-2024 10:38
Josy stands out in this light of the hour so beautifully against the most beautiful city! V
Danad20-Feb-2024 09:04 well as the golden spots.
Danad20-Feb-2024 09:04
Great winter dawn mood in Venice in this image including the crescent moon. I like the contrast between the warm and cold tones a
Dennis Hoyne20-Feb-2024 01:03
What wonderful colors, i love it!
Walter Otto Koenig19-Feb-2024 22:06
Wonderful lighting and tones. I like the reflections on the sphere. "V"
Helen Betts19-Feb-2024 21:25
Great shot of this glamorous model in that classic setting. V.
Pierre Martin19-Feb-2024 20:09
son costume se marrie très bien avec les chauds rayons, splendide image!
globalgadabout19-Feb-2024 18:25
striking contrast allows Madame to stand out, almost three dimensionally, and adds vigour to her presence...V
Marcia Rules19-Feb-2024 17:56
A bewitching study of her and the romantic surroundings. Bravo! ~VVV~
Dan Opdal19-Feb-2024 17:19
Magnificent! V
Jean-Claude Billonneau19-Feb-2024 17:04
Magnifique mise en valeur de ce beau modèle. L'éclairage est superbe et accentue le contraste entre 1es tons chauds et les tons froids de la lagune. V
joseantonio19-Feb-2024 16:51
love the reflections in that ball.V.
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