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Long Bach Nguyen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Southwestern United States and The Four Corners > Salt Wash, Muddy Creek, Stinking Spring Creek, North Caineville Reef, Moroni Slope Keesle Country, Sinbad Country, San Rafael
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02-Feb-2018 LONG B NGUYEN

Salt Wash, Muddy Creek, Stinking Spring Creek, North Caineville Reef, Moroni Slope Keesle Country, Sinbad Country, San Rafael

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Salt Wash, Muddy Creek, Stinking Spring Creek, North Caineville Reef, Moroni Slope Keesle Country, Sinbad Country, San Rafael Reef, Utah 1110

other sizes: small medium original auto
waterfalls man19-Feb-2024 04:30
Great Shot !!
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