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Hennie & Lies Lammers | all galleries >> All Galleries >> budel_dorplein > Eurasian sparrowhaw - Sperwer - Accipiter nisus
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24-Jan-2024 H Lammers _63A1254

Eurasian sparrowhaw - Sperwer - Accipiter nisus

Budel-Dorplein, The Netherlands

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Voor het beste resultaat klik op Original (onder Exif

Canon EOS R7
1/160s f/7.1 at 500.0mm iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov04-Mar-2024 10:47
Superb! V
Tom LeRoy15-Feb-2024 09:35
Wonderful catch of this Sparrowhawk, Hennie. V
larose forest photos14-Feb-2024 01:10
wow! magnificent creature! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos13-Feb-2024 18:20
Excellent focus and nice details. V
Don12-Feb-2024 00:19
Your photo is as sharp as the sparrowhawk - very sharp.
Hank Vander Velde11-Feb-2024 21:35
Excellent sharp shot of this Hawk with lunch Hennie.
Tom Munson11-Feb-2024 19:40
Great capture of this beautiful raptor, Hennie.
Pierre11-Feb-2024 16:17
Une magnifique prise de vue par le photographe et par l'épervier! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal11-Feb-2024 15:32
Komt regelmatig langs maar goed op de foto is niet altijd makkelijk. Mooie foto Hennie.
joseantonio11-Feb-2024 12:04
nice capture with those small eyes.V
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