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Long Bach Nguyen | all galleries >> Galleries >> UTAH - THE BEEHIVE STATE > San Rafael Swell, San Rafael Reef, Limestone Bench, Sagebrush Bench, Sinbad Country, San Rafael Desert, Moroni Slopes, North Ca
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San Rafael Swell, San Rafael Reef, Limestone Bench, Sagebrush Bench, Sinbad Country, San Rafael Desert, Moroni Slopes, North Ca

San Rafael Swell, San Rafael Reef, Limestone Bench, Sagebrush Bench, Sinbad Country, San Rafael Desert, Moroni Slopes, North Caineville Reef, Utah 036

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield27-Jan-2024 03:01
Very striking with the colors and textures. V
pkocinski26-Jan-2024 15:51
Amazing formation.
John Vass26-Jan-2024 09:33
Amazing view! V
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