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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Jenny Gray \ Gracie Grace > Remembering Gracie
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06-Jun-2023 05-JUNE-2023

Remembering Gracie

My two dear pets, Jenny and Gracie passed within 3 months of each other (Sept & Dec 2022).
Jenny passed in Sept (pic in gallery) and then while I was at Mayo Clinic, 14 hours away,
had to make the decision to let the vet put Gracie down because of kidney failure.
Lots of tears. I did speak to Gracie on the phone—the vet said, Gracie was looking around
Searching for me. Such a difficult time. I found Jenny laying in the living room under
a plant stand like she was playing, eyes open. I miss them sorely. This photo-art features
Gracie. Friends kindly buried Gracie in the back yard not far from Jenny.

Nikon D90

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Liz Bickel15-Jun-2023 01:03
A lovely composite of your dear friend, but such a very, very, very sad story. It brings tears to my eyes. Someday, you all will be reunited at the Rainbow Bridge. Our beloved pets do go to Heaven.
Julie Oldfield08-Jun-2023 01:22
I can’t imagine losing two in such a short period of time. She looks angelic in your image. V
laine06-Jun-2023 21:07
They were your beautiful companions who loved you as equally as you them but perhaps they really need to be together more....this is a lovely composite to add to the photos you have to look back on, Carol.
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