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LynnH | all galleries >> GALVESTON ISLAND, TX ~ GALLERIES >> Historic Cemetery District > Wildflowers and Gravestones
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28-Apr-2023 Lynn H

Wildflowers and Gravestones

Oleander Cemetery, Galveston Texas

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ton T.20-May-2023 08:33
Fantastic! V
laine15-May-2023 09:28
Very pretty having those flowers at her feet.
Julie Oldfield15-May-2023 00:59
It appears as though the statue is reaching out to the flowers. Nicely composed. V
larose forest photos14-May-2023 21:40
Wonderful colourful shot, a veritable carpet of wildflowers. V
Alan K14-May-2023 20:37
It almost looks like the statue in the centre is throwing out seeds to create the carpet of flowers.
Pieter Bos14-May-2023 20:01
Impressive scene. ~V
Nick Paoni14-May-2023 19:26
The flowers really lift the mood of this somber place.
Helen Betts14-May-2023 16:43
Fine composition, and the statue appears to be welcoming all the wildflowers with open arms. V.
Danad14-May-2023 16:35
A superb composition !
globalgadabout14-May-2023 15:46
a power packed image...curious how at this time the statue seems to suggest checking out the wonderful floral display..
joseantonio14-May-2023 15:24
lovely and colorful capture.V.