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Charlie Cumming

Make The Most of Each Day

I treasure each and every moment with Della.
I handed my camera off to Charlie the other day.
He caught some fun photos of my girl just being her sweet self.
Very windy that afternoon at the beach.

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Alexander Kazakov03-Mar-2024 16:11
Lovely! V
Kevin D Warren11-Apr-2023 19:54
Bravo! This is terrific, Jane - it makes me smile. :0)
Tom LeRoy10-Apr-2023 15:09
Wise words and a great fun triptych of you and Della! V
Liz Bickel10-Apr-2023 10:17
I love this series!!! It says love.
Buz Kiefer09-Apr-2023 20:04
Those are perfect. The mutual affection is obvious. V
laine09-Apr-2023 07:23
Excellent triptych...especially like the middle one V
Marcia Rules09-Apr-2023 01:11
Superb shots of your canine buddy!
Dennis Hoyne09-Apr-2023 01:05
Nice shots! Our dogs are so special it would be so lonely around here without Magpie.
Julie Oldfield09-Apr-2023 00:03
There is no one better to spend time with. So very sweet. V
Nick Paoni08-Apr-2023 22:46
Fabienne08-Apr-2023 22:28
C’est un beau moment de tendresse x3.
Vos photo sont superbes.
globalgadabout08-Apr-2023 19:13
warm and wonderful moments, especially that third image with you both looking so content..Kudos to Charlie for the tight framing..
Tom Munson08-Apr-2023 17:39
These are wonderful!
Richard Chu08-Apr-2023 16:28
Moments captured! 👍 V
pkocinski08-Apr-2023 14:23
Smooches for Mom... :-)
Helen Betts08-Apr-2023 14:20
What heartwarming shots of you and your girl. And yes, good advice. V.
Tom Beech08-Apr-2023 14:09
Fong Lam08-Apr-2023 14:06
Marvelous advice and a wonderful portrait of you with Della...V
Jeff Real08-Apr-2023 13:42
I love this triptch!
I think the windy day has made this a very photograph to view!
I love the wonderful advice!
Carl Carbone08-Apr-2023 12:31
Great advice and so wonderful to share those days with a dog.
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