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Doug Cruden | all galleries >> PAD >> PAD 2023 >> PAD - January 2023 > 30th - Washed Up
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30-Jan-2023 (c) Doug Cruden

30th - Washed Up

Cheltenham, Glos.

Realised I haven't done a kitchen abstract for quite a while, so here you are!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
larose forest photos30-Jan-2023 22:07
Cleverly composed and well photographed. V
Mairéad30-Jan-2023 21:35
I'm always extremely impressed by your kitchen abstracts.
Johnny JAG30-Jan-2023 20:52
Very classy and glassy
globalgadabout30-Jan-2023 20:17
a dazzling image, and surreal to boot...a double exposure perhaps?..
laine30-Jan-2023 20:14
Nicely done, Doug...I like your kitchen abstracts. V
joseantonio30-Jan-2023 19:30
nice and creative.V.
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