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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > January 1
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January 1

The Beginning and the End...

Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you have a wonderful, happy and healthy year with many photo ops and excellent light! I started the new year with a six mile walk in the rain.

This is the final photo in my Photo a Day Gallery. I started on January 1, 2008 and haven't missed a day since then.
When I began I wanted to become more disciplined by taking photos every day. I did that for 4,581 days.
I now want to concentrate on other types of photography. Thank you for your support over the years!

Apple iPhone 13
1/60s f/2.2 at 2.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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FrankB10-Jan-2025 19:20
Congrats Walter. You almost achieved Cal Ripken and Lou Gehrig's total combined! (4762). Another year would have done it.... :-)
Zoltán Balogh12-Jan-2023 05:54
Excellent self-portrait, Walter! Happy New Year to you, too! V
Don Mottershead07-Jan-2023 02:53
Thanks for all the photos.
Kat04-Jan-2023 19:52
Happy New Year, Walter! All the Best to you and yours.
Pierre03-Jan-2023 19:45
Félicitations pour votre grande persévérance et la qualité de vos très belles photos au cours de toutes ces années!
Dave Petersen Photography03-Jan-2023 13:29
I admire your dedication for this passing project that has resulted in so many wonderful images. I look forward to the new direction you will be exploring. A six mile walk in the rain is also amazing dedication. I hope you have a wonderful new year Walter.
Nirvan Hope02-Jan-2023 21:51
Looking forward to the directions you move with your excellent photography.
Danad02-Jan-2023 15:36
It was a huge challenge perfectly accomplished due to the quality of images your were able to produce each day ! A great BRAVO ! Looking forward now for your new images !
Kevin D Warren02-Jan-2023 14:10
I meant 15 years, of course!
Kevin D Warren02-Jan-2023 14:06
Five years of daily photos is an admirable accomplishment! Discipline indeed. Nice to see you here - look forward to your new endeavors.
pkocinski02-Jan-2023 13:12
Happy New Year!
Bryan Murahashi02-Jan-2023 05:03
Happy New Year, Walter.
That is a great accomplishment.
Thanks for all your visits and comments.
And for sharing your great pictures from your part of the world.
Neil Marcus02-Jan-2023 01:13
A record of that period is something to be congratulated for fortitude for the photos and the hiking. Looking forward to your new types of subjects.
Doug Cruden01-Jan-2023 21:17
Happy New Year, Walter and many congratulations on 15 years of superlative PADs, I've enjoyed seeing them over the years. Best wishes to you and Mrs. Amoxtli for 2023 :o)
globalgadabout01-Jan-2023 20:13
a classic west coast day, and you dressed for it, although the hat is a bit on the absorbent side..your photos already show a lot of variety, so curious what you now have in mind..
Richard Chu01-Jan-2023 19:57
Happy New Year, Walter! V
Patricia Kay01-Jan-2023 19:11
A great image to close your gallery with Walter…you look well…
Happy New year…BV
carabias01-Jan-2023 18:25
Happy New Year Walter! Congratulations also for your enormous and beautiful work.
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte01-Jan-2023 18:07
hello Walter, nice to meet you after all these years. Beautiful self portrait.
Also best wishes from Belgium for 2023 and look forward to seeing your new work
Mairéad01-Jan-2023 18:05
Happy New Year. It's a great achievement and looking forward to seeing your new images.
Allan Jay01-Jan-2023 17:46
That’s quite an accomplishment!
Happy New Year, Walter. Looking forward
to your next photography journey!
Carl Carbone01-Jan-2023 17:30
Happy New Year, Walter! Looking forward to your 'new' photography.
Julie Oldfield01-Jan-2023 17:28
Have a very Happy New Year.
joseantonio01-Jan-2023 17:25
Nice to see you despite the rain...
Happy new Year to you too.
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