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Nestor Derkach | all galleries >> Galleries >> LONGWOOD GARDENS > LONGWOOD GARDENS
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12-15-2021 Nestor Derkach


Nikon D7100 ,Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g IF-ED AF-S DX VR
SS1/400 F/11 ISO/400 WB/Sun Center Weighted /Manual full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Pierre14-Dec-2022 15:45
Une serre de toute beauté, une très belle composition! V
Hank Vander Velde14-Dec-2022 01:33
A beautiful well composed image Nestor.
Walter Otto Koenig13-Dec-2022 17:17
Wonderful perspective inside this impressive greenhouse. Very nice clarity, detail, and colors. "V"
Marcia Colelli13-Dec-2022 16:28
Very lovely capture with nice perspective. Beautiful colors. V
Danad13-Dec-2022 15:08
A very beautiful garden !
janescottcumming13-Dec-2022 12:37
Very lush looking! V
Don13-Dec-2022 01:35
That's a greenhouse on a grand scale.
Pierre Martin12-Dec-2022 23:05
luxurious interior that represente the tropical climate and a little bonus for the Christmas tree!
Jeff Real12-Dec-2022 23:03
How beautiful this place is!
I love all of the work that you made while there!
Really nice.
Helen Betts12-Dec-2022 20:46
You got a great capture of this beautiful place! V.
Nick Paoni12-Dec-2022 20:21
Love the colorful flowers and how the Christmas tree takes center stage.
Allan Jay12-Dec-2022 20:20
Excellent framing of this Christmas
joseantonio12-Dec-2022 19:44
nice composition and colors.V.
Richard Chu12-Dec-2022 18:50
The Christmas tree beautifully framed! Lovely colors! V
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