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Dennis Hoyne | all galleries >> Galleries >> Out and About > Harbor Access
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18-Sep-2022 Dennis Hoyne

Harbor Access

The access to the Duluth harbor via the canal through Park Point from Lake Superior.
This is the Duluth South Breakwater Light.

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Carl Carbone23-Sep-2022 11:15
Nice evening mood.
Coleen Perilloux Landry23-Sep-2022 06:43
Fong Lam23-Sep-2022 04:53
An excellent low light capture of this the atmosphere as well....V
larose forest photos23-Sep-2022 00:34
This is outstanding. Easy to imagine one is on the ocean not a lake. V
Graeme22-Sep-2022 23:15
An excellent moody comp as the light of the day is coming to an end, Dennis.V
Walter Otto Koenig22-Sep-2022 17:20
Very nice lighting and atmosphere.
Helen Betts22-Sep-2022 16:16
Interesting scene, well captured in that low light.
joseantonio22-Sep-2022 16:03
nice composition and magical light.V.