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Don Mottershead | all galleries >> Manual Focus Lenses >> Asahi Takumar 200mm f/4 >
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Front focused (or rear-end focused from Kailey's point of view)

I used focus peaking while manually focusing. Once again focus peaking on the Z6
turns out to be too crude a tool when shooting wide open. To really nail focus
you need to magnify the image in the viewfinder.

However I'm still posting this because of the interesting effect. I shot through
a chain link fence that was about 1/3 the way between the camera and Kailey.
Can you see it?

Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kevin D Warren13-Aug-2022 12:00
Beautiful contrast. I wouldn't have know it was a fence, just some unusual bokeh.
Doug Cruden01-Aug-2022 20:09
What Carl said!!
Julie Oldfield29-Jul-2022 00:58
I can barely see it. It adds interesting textures.
Carl Carbone28-Jul-2022 00:23
I can see the fence, but I probably wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it.
Gill Kopy27-Jul-2022 23:57
You could mistake the fence for mowing lines :) Interesting !
Walter Otto Koenig27-Jul-2022 22:14
Can see the fence. My technique is to move as close to the fence as possible to make it disappear or come close. What aperture did you use?
Bill Miller27-Jul-2022 22:12
It is fun to try the old lenses on mirrorless. I can see the ghost fence once I look for it.
Helen Betts27-Jul-2022 21:33
Yes, I can see the fence in this interesting rear-view.
joseantonio27-Jul-2022 19:39
nice work with the image.V
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